Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 9

First of all, HOORAY, my laptop is fixed and back! I loathed using my old piece of junk. Now I have my baby back. ;)

So this week's Project 52 theme was 'express yourself'. I didn't think much about it until mid-week, when I mentioned it to my cousin, who told me she'd help me out. I was glad, because the only ways I express myself are through photography and writing, and I didn't really want to use either of those as a basis for my photo, simply because I imagine they are sourses of expression for a lot of the Project 52 contributors.

So yesterday we holed ourselves up in her adorable apartment, out of the biting cold, with tea and good music and my camera. She began painting and I began snapping. It's easy to see how very much she enjoys expressing herself through art.

For some reason, I am very proud of this entry. Thanks, Kristi. :)
Also, if you live in a place where you can find Saltscapes, the issue with the photo contest will be out within the next couple of weeks. I can't wait! I have seen the cover (it's on their website) and the winning photograph is just lovely. I love that this magazine has such a high standard of photography.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, such a beautiful job! Love your work!You look better than a beginner to me :) I'm trying to self-teach myself the art as well! Follow me if you'd like and we can 'grow' together! :)
