Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week 5

When I saw that this week's Project 52 theme was "muse", I groaned. What on earth could I take a picture of that represented muse!? All I could think of was my kid, and I figured probably many others would think the same thing.

Then it came to me - FOOD. I love food. I love every aspect of it (except cleaning it up...and mouldy food...well, ok, not everything). Groceries. Food prep. Spices and herbs. Fresh garden veggies. Trying new things. Cooking. Baking (some things). Trying new recipes. Recipe books in general.

Today Charlie and I made a crazy cake, also known as war cake or depression cake. It has no eggs or butter. (This was a much better choice than his typical 3-year-old boy suggestion of poop cake.) I made a fluffy white frosting for it, kind of a cross between meringe and boiled icing. The interesting part of it all is that I don't really like cake. I never have. Give me pie any day. However--this is GOOD cake. Darn good. And so pretty. So I took a photo of it, because I am both inspired by the creation of food, and also, I muse on it a lot. ;)


Is your mouth watering yet?

1 comment:

  1. This was very delicious cake!! I think it's one of the best chocolate cakes I have ever eaten! And the photo is great, too!
