Friday, January 7, 2011


There are a few different projects photographers can participate in to really get some practice in. One of them is Project365--a photo every day for a year. I thought about it, and then thought about whether or not I'd be really thinking about my shots or not, or just photographing something last-minute (which is more likely, since I'm a big procrastinator). So instead, I am doing Project 52 - a photo a week, with a different subject each week. (For more info, check Pioneer Woman's photography site).

This week's theme is 'something around the house'. I'm looking forward to sharing something each week. Now I find something in my house to photograph that is NOT my kid...

1 comment:

  1. As a brand new photographer, Project 52 sounds like a great way for me to expand outside my comfort zone. I think I will give it a try (even if I am starting a couple weeks late :-)!) Thank you very much for sharing!
