Thursday, November 25, 2010

Salt Dough Ornaments

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not the least bit crafty. I don't sew, I have no patience for scrapbooking anymore, I tried and failed at knitting, I don't crochet, etc. So when I saw this ad in a Canadian Living magazine (which, by the way, is an awesome magazine), I thought it sounded like it was in my range of abilities:

Incidentally, my range of abilities is about the same as my three year old's. ;) It was very easy to do, so I thought I'd share. First you dump two cups of flour and a cup of salt in a bowl. Mix them together, or get someone else to do it if you have little people wanting to help:

Then you add 1 cup (plus a bit more) of warm water and stir it with a wooden spoon until it makes a dough. Plop it on a floured surface and knead until it's smooth:

Roll it out. It said to a 5mm thickness, but I think mine was a bit thicker.

Use cookie cutters of your choice. It was a Christmas craft for us, so snowflakes, bells, gingerbread men, and stars were our choice. (Thanks, Patti, for loaning us your cookie cutters and paint!) Use a straw to poke a hole in them where the string/ribbon will go.

Put them on parchment paper on cookie sheets and bake them at 300F for 1-1.5 hours.

Then? PAINT! Whee! Fun for the whole family.

They're not fancy, but they're fun and your little one will think it's the coolest thing in the world.

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