Monday, May 24, 2010


I admit, I'm one of those people who find graveyards fascinating. Maybe it's my love of history, especially local history, or my interest in my ancestors. Either way, my grandparents live beside a local cemetary and I've always loved roaming about it in the evening. It's especially wonderful if my grandparents join me, because my grandmother knows something about everyone and can tell me exactly how I'm related to people who passed on 150 years ago. I have spent many hours wandering around, holding my grandfather's rough hand, always ending up at the site of his parents with their simple stone carved with work horses.

On a lovely night in April, Charlie and I decided to go and check out the cemetary. My dear grandparents, now nearing 80 and not as spry as they once were, surprised me by coming along.

Graveyards have a strange beauty about them. But never as much beauty as a set of grandparents gently leading my son on a favourite old path. :)

1 comment:

  1. Aw, how special that they were able to join you. Nice pics!
