Friday, September 2, 2011

Hello autumn.

Ok, so it's technically still summer, but the nights are cooler, the apples are turning red, kiddies are going back to school, and I need a jacket first thing in the morning. It's on its way, folks! So dig out those harvest veggies and roast 'em up for a yummy meal.

The only time-consuming thing about roasting veggies is the chopping. As seen above, you need an onion. Onions make everything taste better. Chop it up and put them in a large bowl.

Next up is some mushrooms. You can either leave them whole or halve them.

Squash. Oh, how I love squash. This was our first one we tried from our garden, and it was still warm when I cut it. It was also delicious. Behold:

I also got darling hubby to pick me a few ears of corn. Husk them and chop them into thirds or quarters.

Last thing you need: carrots! I used small carrots from our garden, mostly just broken in half. Any carrots, cut any way, will do (although they take the longest to cook, so cut them reasonably small). Here we go, all veggies in a big bowl. Already lookin' good:

Now it's dressing time! I concocted this on my own and have never deviated from it. You need:

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1-2 T. balsamic vinegar
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 t. oregano
salt and pepper (about a teaspoon each)
2 T. rosemary

Mix it up:

Pour it on:

Toss it together:

Put it on a cookie sheet or two and bake at 400 F for about 20 minutes, stirring once or twice. This is what you end up with:

Everything tender and deliciously full of flavour. This is what I love about fall - the FOOD! The squash and pumpkin and deep red tomatoes, the soups and stews and chilis and s'mores. Well, I also love a lot of other things about fall (birthdays, Christmas anticipation, Halloween, Thanksgiving, sweaters and scarves, boots, Harvest, apple-picking, cold nights...) but hey, I love food, and nothing beats fall food.


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