Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year...

So, it's a new year, and I want it to be a great year when it comes to photography.

Unfortunately, I cannot do that by upgrading a lot of equipment at this point, as my husband and I are saving money for household purposes. I do plan to purchase a few things, but it'll be a while yet.

And anyway, the best way to get better at this is to practice, practice, practice.

Here is where YOU come in.

I need people to practice on. The three-year-old will succumb to the occasional bribe, but he's not terribly interested anymore. I can only beg my cousin for pictures every couple of months, as I don't want to alienate her. ;) These sessions are called 'portfolio building', and they help me to improve my exposure, manual lens focus, composition, etc.

If you're interested, send me an email ( or send me a Facebook message, and we'll discuss things.

Happy New Year! And many thanks to those clients I photographed in 2010. I appreciated your business so much, and it was a blast. Thank you for your generosity and patience!

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