Monday, January 16, 2012

Why I am not doing a recipe post.

I had big plans to cook up something lovely this afternoon and post it tonight. BIG plans. They were thwarted.

Here's what you need to know:
I live 35 minutes from town.
I am 8 months pregnant and in pure misery.
It's icy out there.

I left for town at 10am. Objective: to buy groceries, and to go to Walmart to buy my husband a filter for the truck and some motor oil. I hoped to walk through a portion of the mall, too.

My day started out fantastically. I stopped at Value Village on a whim, and turns out, if you signed up for their free Super Savers card, you saved 50% on clothing/shoes/etc. So I scored a coat, a dress, a top, a nursing tank, jeans for the kiddo, and shoes for baby, all for about $20. Pretty good trade-off for another card in my wallet.

Next stop: Superstore. Scored myself a Stork Parking spot for the first time. The lot was icy and I didn't want to walk. Went in, got my stuff done (I love grocery shopping, so my day was still going well at this point), aaaand on to the mall.

I decided to park at Sears since it was noonhour now and I figured I'd have to park a mile away from Walmart and then pick my way over the icy lot. Grabbed my lunch, waddled through the mall (thinking, "Yikes, better head to Walmart - this HURTS"), went to Walmart. Went all the way back to automotive. Realized the motor oil was in a huge jug, and also, I forgot - had to get windshield wash and toilet paper. Considered crying, but instead, I sucked it up and waddled back to the front for a mother of a cart. Waddled BACK to automotive, grabbed stuff quickly.

Paid for my stuff. How the heck could all of that be $80!? Oh, right, because I got the WRONG JUG OF MOTOR OIL. So then I got to stand in line to return the $44 jug and go back and get the nearly identical $24 jug. ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK, and back to the front. Also: I grabbed a Lindt bar because, darnit, I deserved some chocolate.

Then - THEN - I had the privilege of waddling back through the mall, all the way to Sears, pushing a massive Walmart cart with Heavy Things in it. By the time I got to my car, I was panting like I'd just run a freakin' marathon, and the bones in my pelvis were grinding, and I hurt from my hip bones to my thighs, and my back throbbed, and I was nauseated, and I wanted to die. Chucked the stuff in the car, climbed in, and tore into my chocolate bar with wild abandon.

What's this - this CHEWY thing...!? Why, it's raisins. Raisins don't belong in a chocolate bar. They just don't. Hazelnuts do, which were also in it, and which is what I saw on the front of the package. Raisins? NO. Now my husband has a lovely Lindt bar to eat.

Drove home, told my tale of woe to my husband...

...and find out I still got the wrong motor oil.

I was in no mood to do any fancy cooking and photographing, so we had chili while I silently fumed my way through dinner.

So, hopefully tomorrow I'll have something pretty and yummy posted here. For now, I am just trying not to move very much.

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